Friday 12 June 2015

R Tutorial for beginners

R is a free software environment for statistical computing and graphics. It runs on variety of UNIX platforms, Windows and MacOS. In this tutorial series, you are going to learn basics to start working with R.
      Install R on mac
      Install R Studio for Mac
      R : Writing code and setting working directory on Mac
      Assignment Operator : <- data-blogger-escaped-a="">
      Colon Operator (:)
      Primitive data types
      Character object
      Numeric data type
      Integer Data type
      Complex data type
      Logical data type
      Combine Vectors
      Vector Arithmetic
      Accessing elements of a vector
      Get the type of variable in R
      cbind and rbind
      Missing values, Impossible values
      Data Frames
      Names Attribute of an object
      write.table : Writing data to file
      read.table : Read data from file
      Read csv file in R
      writeLines : Write lines to a file
       readLines : Read text lines from a file
      dump : Dump objects to a file
      source : Read R code from a file (or) connection
      dput : Write an object to a file
      dget : Recreates object from a file
      save : save R objects
      load : Reload the data saved with function save
      Serialize object
      unserialize : unserialize serialized data
      Connections : Interfaces to the outside world
      Subsetting ( vectors, lists)
      Subsetting matrices
      Removing missing values
      Vectorized Operations
      matrix operations
      RStudio Run R code
      if-else statement
      for loops
      while loop
      repeat loop
      break statement
      next statement
      Passing default values to function parameters
      formals : Get the formal argument of a function
      Function argument matching
      Lazy evaluation
      Working with Dates
      POSIXct , POSIXlt Working with times
      Loop functions
      lapply and sapply
      apply function
      mapply function
      str function
      String Manipulation
      grep : Search for a string in a character vector
      nchar : Get the length of string
      paste() : Concatenate strings
      sprintf(): Assemble string in formatted manner
      substr : Returns sub string
      strsplit() : split string into substring
      regexpr(): Search for a pattern in given text
      gregexpr(): Find all occurrences of pattern
      Regular Expressions
       Install packages
      Load Installed packages
      Reading xls sheet data
      Reading xlsx sheet data
      Draw a line graph
      Create bar plot
      Clear R console
      Remove all objects other than functions
      List all files in current directory
      Print elements of vector one per line
      Get help for a command
      Display contents of a file to console
      Get the version of R running

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